Our Solution

It is well known that energy waste and CO2 emissions around the world can be significantly reduced by making windows more energy efficient.

  • HVAC use = 17% of global CO2 production1
  • HVAC use = 12 gigatons of CO2 annually2,3
  • Windows cause 25%-30% of heat gain/loss in buildings4
  • IR Dynamics developed a solution to make windows more energy efficient using nanotechnology. The latest energy modeling shows up to 32% potential energy savings.

    Our nanomaterials have some unique properties. The material is metallic when warm, and nonmetallic when cool. The material is thermochromic. That is, the material changes states based on temperature.

    When we incorporate these materials into glass coatings or laminates, the material blocks light energy from the Sun when it’s hot outside. This is a metallic state.

    When it’s cold outside, the material switches to let light energy pass through the window into the building, warming the interior.

    Most of the energy that comes from the Sun is in the infrared spectrum, around 58%. While we experience solar heat gain from visible light, the majority actually comes from the infrared portion of the spectrum, invisible to the human eye.

    Our thermochromic glass primarily manages the infrared portion of light energy, which is why our company’s name is IR Dynamics.

    This means it can block infrared light energy without blocking visible light. In other words, a window won’t appear any different to someone looking through it even while it’s transitioning.

    A technology that makes use of the heat energy from the Sun in the winter to warm a building, and then in the summer can block the heat and keep the building cool, automatically, is a breakthrough technology.

    As the effects of climate change continue to hit countries and individuals in the pocketbook, and tragic accounts of extreme weather events and fires frequent the news cycle, reduction of CO2 emissions and energy waste is a higher and higher priority.

    Our low-cost, energy-saving technology is a compelling and cost-effective addition to the built environment.