
Vanadium Dioxide Nanoparticles

Over the past 20 years, many companies, universities, and National Labs around the world have explored the amazing properties of Vanadium Dioxide (VO2) and many papers have been written about the potential energy saving that the technology promises. Bringing a high-performing VO2 coating into the market has been a challenge unmet until now. IRD has broken the barriers that have kept this material from entering the marketplace and, following eight years of development, is moving quickly toward commercialization.

What Makes IR Dynamics Unique?

IR Dynamics has solved all the critical problems required to commercialize VO2 nanomaterials.

Remarkable Performance, 2023

IRD’s Color Control

IR Dynamics has developed Molecular Color Control to shift the natural yellow color of VO2-based thermochromic coatings to an industry-acceptable grey tint.

Research and Development

IRD has been working for 8 years to solve the many technical hurdles necessary to bring VO2 thermochromic glass to market. The next step is to scale production and establish market dominance in the thermochromic glass space.

Target Markets

  1. Architectural Flat Glass / Laminated

  2. Architectural Flat Glass / Coated

  3. Energy-Efficient Window Films

  4. Transparent Structural Films (ETFE)